beatles arias |
PIC 11 |
Un OVNI entré par effraction dans un monde musical éternellement conformiste !
Tel pourrait être qualifié l'album mythique "Beatles Arias chantés par Cathy Berberian", épuisé depuis 1967 et disponible à nouveau (enfin !) pour la première fois en CD.
Inclus : le track listing original remasterisé, un entretien avec la Grande Cathy et des versions live inédites provenant d'archives Radio France / INA, le tout agrémenté d'un copieux livret avec notes biographiques, reproduction des pochettes originales et photos rares.
"Cristina is well, beautiful and frightening because she is 12 yrs. old and seems 16 - We are both crazy about the Beatles - I cannot live without my record of their songs from Help!"
"My mother loved listening to any kind of music, "as long as it's good music" she would say. Her LP collection was the most eclectic i had ever seen, from The Rite of Spring to West Side Story, from Bach to Rodgers & Hammerstein, from Callas to Peggy Lee, from Schoenberg to all the folk songs of the world. Our apartment in Via Moscati, Milano, was always filled with music. I can't recall exactly how it all started, all i know is that at some point my Beatlemania caught on to my mom. But i do remember how secretly proud i was of the fact i had a mom that could deeply appreciate my kind of music. So yes, i'll take the credit for introducing the Beatles to my mom, but the truth is that long before anyone else did, she recognized the timelessness of most of Lennon & McCartney's songs, and to prove her point she created the "Beatles Arias", as an amusing tribute to them, as well as her own clever way of bridging the gap between two musical worlds traditionally far apart, the pop and the classical."
Cristina Berio |